Looking for new music that’s tailor-made for your personal tastes? You’re in luck! The streaming service Qobuz offers some of the best music discovery features out there to help you find artists and albums that speak to your soul. With Qobuz’s curated playlists, new release recommendations, and custom suggestions based on the music you already love, expanding your musical horizons has never been easier. In this article, we’ll explore the different ways Qobuz gets to know your musical preferences and serves up new tunes for you to fall in love with. Whether you’re looking for music to match your current mood, undiscovered gems from genres you adore, or suggestions to lead you out of your comfort zone, Qobuz has you covered. Read on to learn how this top-notch streaming service can become your personal DJ and open your ears to amazing new music.

How Qobuz Creates Personalized Music Discovery Playlists

Qobuz studies your listening habits and musical tastes to create custom playlists tailored just for you. As you listen to music on the service, Qobuz tracks the genres, artists, and songs you play the most. Using this information, Qobuz is able to suggest new music you’re likely to enjoy.

For example, if you frequently listen to jazz and blues, Qobuz may create a “New Jazz and Blues” playlist featuring newly released songs in those genres. If you have an eclectic taste and listen to pop, rock, and classical, Qobuz can generate a “Diverse Discovery” playlist with a mix of songs spanning different styles.

Qobuz also provides playlists based on your mood or activity. If you want upbeat music for exercising, check out the “Workout Motivation” playlist. For relaxing evening listening, try the “Unwind” playlist. On weekends, the “Brunch Beats” playlist serves up laid-back tunes perfect for a late morning meal.

In addition to playlists, Qobuz offers personal recommendations on your home screen highlighting new releases you may enjoy based on your preferences. The more you listen, the more Qobuz learns your tastes so it can recommend music you’re sure to love.

Isn’t it nice to have a music service that gets to know you and your unique style? With Qobuz, you’ll discover amazing new music tailored just for you.

Exploring Qobuz’s Expertly Curated Genre Stations

Qobuz offers genre stations tailored to your tastes, with playlists

curated by experts. ###Hip hop heads will love the Old School Hip Hop

station, which features classics from the 80s and 90s like Run-DMC,

Beastie Boys, and Wu-Tang Clan. If you prefer smooth jazz, check out

the Chill Out Jazz station.

For rock fans, there are stations for everything from Classic Rock to

Indie Rock. The Classic Rock station plays legends like The Rolling

Stones, Pink Floyd, and Led Zeppelin. Meanwhile, the Indie Rock

station highlights up-and-coming artists in the genre.

Qobuz also offers stations for blues, folk, electronic, world music,

and more. With such a wide range, you’re sure to find a station

perfect for any mood or activity. These expertly-curated genre

stations make discovering new tunes easy. Just pick a station, start

listening, and save any songs or artists you love to your library.

Before you know it, you’ll be an expert in that genre too. The more

you listen, the more Qobuz refines the station to suit your tastes.

You might just discover your next favorite band. Why not give a few

stations a spin today and let Qobuz be your guide to amazing new music?

Finding Your Next Favorite Artist With Qobuz Recommendations

Once Qobuz gets to know your listening tastes, it will start recommending new artists and albums tailored just for you. The more you listen, the better these recommendations get.

Browse by genre

If you’re in the mood to discover some great new jazz, electronic, classical or rock artists, just tap on the genre tabs at the top of the recommendations screen. Qobuz will show you popular and up-and-coming artists in that genre. When you find someone who piques your interest, tap to start listening to one of their most popular songs or albums. Chances are, if you like one track, you’ll want to keep exploring more of their music.

View recommendations for you

The “For You” tab contains Qobuz’s personalized recommendations based on your listening history and preferences. You’ll find recommended artists, albums and playlists curated to match your tastes. Give some of these a listen – you never know which new favorite band you might discover! Qobuz’s recommendations get better over time, so keep listening and rating content. The more you engage, the more tailored these recommendations will become.

Follow artists you love

Once you find new artists you connect with, follow them on Qobuz. You’ll get notified whenever they release new music, and will have instant access to their entire catalog. Following artists is the best way to stay up-to-date with the music and musicians you care about. With Qobuz’s huge catalog, you’ll never run out of great new artists to discover and follow. Happy listening!

So that’s the scoop on discovering new music with Qobuz! With their huge catalog of lossless tunes and carefully curated playlists, you can let their experts take the wheel and introduce you to artists and songs you never would have found on your own. Or take charge of your own journey by diving into their deep selection of genres, new releases, and exclusive content. Either way, you’ll be expanding your musical horizons in no time. Qobuz opens up a whole new world of sounds tailored just for you. Now get out there, plug in, and let your next favorite track find you. The endless musical adventure awaits!