
You move into a new apartment and realize the rooms are a little smaller than you hoped. Don’t start packing your bags to move again just yet! With a few simple tweaks using color, you can visually expand those rooms and make the most of the space you have. Choosing the right colors to paint your walls can work magic on even the tiniest studio apartment. In this article, we’ll explore some of the best color palates to make any room look bigger and more spacious. Armed with this color knowledge, you’ll be able to transform those small rooms into the illusion of grandeur in no time. Keep reading to learn professional tricks on using color to open up tight spaces from top designers. With the right colors and a little creativity, your new compact apartment will feel bright, airy, and surprisingly expansive!

How Color Affects Perceived Room Size

Light, bright colors like white, cream or light gray make a room appear more spacious. These shades reflect more light, opening up the space and making the walls seem further apart.

Soften Up With Neutrals

Sticking to a neutral color palette is a simple way to create an illusion of more square footage. Light browns, tans and off-whites do the trick nicely. They provide a cozy, calming backdrop without closing in the room.

Draw the Eye Outward

Use lighter shades on walls and deeper hues on moldings, baseboards and trim. This combination makes the walls fade back, directing the focus outward to create an impression of depth. Pale blue is a great choice if you want to bring in some color. Its cool tone makes a space feel more open.

Keep It Consistent

When choosing a color scheme, opt for shades in the same color family. A consistent palette results in a cohesive look that makes a room appear larger. If you do want to incorporate contrasting accent colors, do so sparingly. Limit them to accessories like throw pillows, rugs or artwork. This prevents chopping up the space visually.

Keeping these color tips in mind when decorating with Castlery’s stylish but affordable furniture will make your place feel more spacious in no time. Open up your rooms and expand your square footage, all through the power of paint and a few key decorating strategies. A bigger-looking space for less – now that’s living room bliss!

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The Best Paint Colors to Visually Enlarge a Small Space

When it comes to making a small room appear more spacious, color choice is key. Stick with light, bright shades that reflect plenty of light. Think pale blues, greens, and grays in airy, muted tones. Light colors:

  • Pale blue is always a great option. It creates a feeling of openness and calm. A shade like sky blue or powder blue works well.
  • Light gray is another spacious-feeling hue. Choose a gray with hints of blue, green or lavender rather than a stark, cold gray.
  • Mint green, seafoam green and sage green are fresh, natural-feeling colors that make small rooms feel more open. Their pale, dusty tones are easy on the eyes without being too bright.

In addition to light wall colors, keeping ceilings, trim and doors the same shade creates an uninterrupted flow of space. The less contrast between walls, ceilings and trim, the more open and airy a room will feel.

Using semi-gloss or satin paint finishes also helps reflect more light, as does strategically placed lighting like overhead fixtures, table and floor lamps. Opening curtains and blinds during the day lets in natural light, which brightens a room and makes it appear more spacious.

With the right pale color palette, maximizing natural light, and keeping a cohesive flow between walls and ceilings, you can transform a small space into an airy oasis. Your cramped room will suddenly feel more livable and inviting. Who knew a fresh coat of paint could make such a big difference?

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Tips for Using Color to Make a Room Look Bigger

Keep the color palette light and bright.

Using lighter shades of paint, especially whites and off-whites, will make a room appear more open and airy. Soft blues, greens and grays also give the illusion of more space. Darker colors tend to make walls feel like they’re closing in, so avoid deep reds, browns and blacks.

Choose a single, neutral color for large surfaces.

Painting the walls, ceilings, trim and doors the same color helps unify the space and makes the room feel more expansive. Neutral tones like light gray, beige or cream work well for this. Using the same color on the ceiling in particular helps draw the eye up and makes the room seem larger.

Add visual interest with accents.

While keeping large surfaces neutral opens up a space, adding pops of color with accents like throw pillows, rugs, artwork or accessories helps create visual interest. Look for accent colors within the same color family as your neutral walls. For example, if your walls are light blue, bring in navy blue accents. This helps the space still feel cohesive while giving it more depth and dimension.

Use reflective surfaces strategically.

Placing mirrors, mirrored furniture like side tables or chests and other reflective accents in a space helps it feel more open by bouncing light around. Position mirrors across from windows to reflect natural light, or on walls opposite entrances to make the space seem more expansive upon entering the room. Mirrored surfaces also work well for small spaces, as they give the illusion of more depth.

Using these tips when choosing a color palette and decor for your space can make a room feel open, airy and spacious. Keeping things light, neutral and strategic with accents and reflective surfaces is the key to creating an expansive feel no matter the actual square footage.


So there you have it – the top colors that can help make any room look bigger and more spacious. While neutrals like white and beige are classic choices, don’t be afraid to go bold with shades like navy blue, emerald green, or even a deep purple. The most important thing is choosing colors and tones that complement each other. Pay attention to how the light comes into the room and make sure you don’t have too much contrast between walls, floors and furnishings. Most of all, pick colors that you love and that reflect your personal style. Decorating and designing your home should be fun and creative. With some thoughtful color choices, you can easily make those small rooms appear larger than life.