Hey there fashionista, ever feel like fast fashion just isn’t cutting it anymore? You love staying on top of trends, but hate how unsustainable and unethical most brands can be. It’s time to get hip to Reformation – the ultimate cool girl’s destination for killer clothes that are actually good for the planet. With their focus on reducing waste and using eco-friendly fabrics like recycled materials and lyocell, Reformation makes sustainable sexy. In this post, we’ll explore why Reformation is the most stylish sustainable fashion brand for the conscious cutie. From their vintage-inspired dresses to their effortless basics, we’ll break down how Reformation is revolutionizing ethical fashion and making it easier for you to look good while doing good.

What Makes Reformation a Sustainable Fashion Leader

Reformation is a brand that proves sustainable and ethical fashion can also be stylish. Everything they make is created with eco-friendly materials and practices.

Eco-Friendly Fabrics

They only use fabrics that are sustainably and ethically sourced like linen, cotton, and recycled polyester. The cotton is organic, the linen is flax, and the polyester comes from recycled plastic bottles. These eco-friendly fabrics allow you to feel good about what you’re wearing.

Sustainable Production

Reformation’s LA factory runs on renewable energy and they maximize the use of recycled and reclaimed materials in production. They also have a zero-waste design philosophy, using scraps to make new products. By keeping manufacturing local, they cut down on emissions from transporting goods.

Ethical Working Conditions

Reformation ensures safe working conditions and fair wages for all their employees. They believe sustainability and ethics should apply not just to the environment but to the people involved in making their clothes.

Between their sustainable fabrics, eco-friendly production, and commitment to ethics, Reformation is proving fast fashion and sustainability can co-exist. When you buy from them, you can be confident you’re making an earth-friendly choice and supporting fair labor practices. Overall, they make it easy to be stylish and sustainable.

Reformation’s Commitment to Environmental Responsibility

You know a brand is serious about sustainability

when it has an entire section on its website dedicated to environmental responsibility. Reformation understands that fashion can take a major toll on the planet, so they work hard to offset that impact at every step. Sustainable Materials

Reformation uses eco-friendly materials like recycled cotton, linen, and viscose in their collections. They avoid synthetics and only use natural, organic fibers. Even their embellishments and trims are sustainable, made from recycled materials whenever possible.

Ethical Manufacturing

Reformation manufactures most of their products in their own sustainable factory in downtown LA. For pieces that can’t be made in-house, they partner with vendors who use eco-friendly practices and pay fair wages. Reformation audits their suppliers regularly to ensure ethical standards are upheld.

Reduced Carbon Footprint

From sourcing materials to shipping orders, Reformation takes measures to lower emissions and reduce waste. They use recycled and biodegradable packaging, optimize their supply chain to cut down on transportation, and offset any remaining carbon emissions. Reformation is also investing in new technologies like waterless denim production to make their operations even greener.

If you care about ethical, eco-friendly fashion, Reformation should be at the top of your list. They’re pushing the industry in a sustainable direction and proving that green can also be stylish. By choosing Reformation, you’re using your dollars to support a brand that shares your values and is actively working to reduce fashion’s environmental impact.Sustainable practices | Reformation

How to Shop Sustainably With Reformation

Reformation makes it easy to shop sustainably and ethically. When browsing their site or visiting one of their stores, here are some tips to keep in mind:

Buy high-quality pieces you’ll have for years.

Reformation creates timeless and trendy pieces designed to last. Invest in high-quality staples like the perfect white tee, denim jacket or little black dress. These wardrobe essentials will withstand years of wear and multiple washes, saving you money in the long run.

Consider renting for special occasions.

If you need a dress for a wedding or fancy party, consider renting from Reformation’s rental collection. Renting reduces the environmental impact of manufacturing and shipping new products. Plus, you can return the item when you’re done so you don’t have to find storage space in your closet!

Donate or recycle old clothing.

When you buy new pieces from Reformation, go through your closet and donate or recycle items you no longer wear. Reformation accepts clothing donations and recycles old textiles to keep them out of landfills. Donating also allows your old clothing to have a second life with someone else.

Shop sales and use promo codes when possible.

Reformation frequently runs sales on new arrivals, seasonal items and overstock. They also offer student discounts and promo codes on their website and through their mailing list. Sign up for their newsletter to get notifications about the latest deals and you can save even more on sustainable fashion.

Using these tips, you can build an ethical yet stylish wardrobe from Reformation without breaking the bank or hurting the planet. Every purchase and donation makes a difference, so keep up the great work! Our world—and your closet—will thank you.


So there you have it, a rundown of how Reformation has become a leader in sustainable fashion. From using eco-friendly materials to reducing waste to maintaining transparency, they’ve shown it’s possible to be both environmentally responsible and super stylish. And you can feel good adding their clothes to your wardrobe, knowing they align with your values. The next time you shop, consider giving them a try. Even if you start small, each little step brings positive change. Together, our dollars make a difference. The future of fashion depends on conscious consumers like you!